Since the beginning of time, clever parents have known how to soothe their crying babies—I would not want to imagine a world where they did not! And as technology advances, each generation discovers their own baby calming techniques. Whether you tend toward the old or the new, experiment with a few and you will soon find the ones that work best to calm your baby! Here is how to make a baby stop crying. 

10 of the Best Ways to Stop a Baby From Crying

  1. Holding: You are your baby’s favourite person, so it is no surprise that holding your baby is one of the most basic—and effective—ways to soothe crying and fussiness. Your baby loves the comfort of being held in your arms, and there are a variety of ways to hold your baby that will help to soothe crying spells. 
  2. Dancing: The womb is a rocking place to be...literally! Think about it: With every breath you take, as your diaphragm moves up and down, your baby in utero is feeling that movement. And that means they are also used to other movements of your daily routine too...from walking to your exercise class. So when babies are born, it is strange for them to be in a still environment. Dancing fulfills your baby’s need for motion and movement (plus, it is a fun way to bond with your little one!).
  3. Rocking: Similar to dancing, rocking motions help to make a baby stop crying. 
  4. Swinging: Swinging works like rocking and dancing to comfort your baby.
  5. Swaddling: Swaddling stops crying and fussiness by giving babies a snug, womb-like sensation. Check out this link to learn how to swaddle your baby.
  6. Feeding: You know how you get cranky when you have not gotten enough to eat? Well, babies cry because they are hungry. Feeding your baby not only alleviates hunger, but also triggers the calming reflex that can almost immediately stop crying.
  7. White Noise: White noise is a great way to calm a crying baby because low rumbly whooshing sounds are reminiscent of the sounds babies hear in the womb.
  8. Singing: Regardless of whether you are off-key or pitch-perfect, your baby loves the sound of your voice. The next time your baby is crying, try singing anything from classic baby lullabies to more modern songs for kids
  9. Dummies: Dummies help comfort babies through non-nutritive sucking. Try offering your baby a dummy the next time he is crying to calm him down.
  10. Smart cots: The latest in baby sleep technology, SNOO Smart cot automatically detects your baby’s crying and uses gentle rocking and white noise to soothe and calm fussing. It is a safe and snug place for a baby to sleep.

Final Thoughts on How to Make a Baby Stop Crying

Most soothing techniques fall into one of the 5 categories:swaddling(snug holding), side/stomach position, shushing (white noise), swinging (motion) and sucking—also known as the 5 S’s!

What do these techniques have in common? They all impersonate the uterus!

Parents have used many of them for millennia, but our generation is the first in history to know that they work by switching on the calming reflex.


Did you know? Happiest Baby developed SNOO, a smart sleeper. Our one-of-a-kind baby bed responds to an infant’s fussing with just the right amount of motion and sound—to turn on the calming reflex. It can soothe middle-of-the-night fussing and aid infant sleep. Learn more.

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Disclaimer: The information on our site is NOT medical advice for any specific person or condition. It is only meant as general information. If you have any medical questions and concerns about your child or yourself, please contact your health provider. Breastmilk is the best source of nutrition for babies. It is important that, in preparation for and during breastfeeding, mothers eat a healthy, balanced diet. Combined breast- and bottle-feeding in the first weeks of life may reduce the supply of a mother's breastmilk and reversing the decision not to breastfeed is difficult. If you do decide to use infant formula, you should follow instructions carefully.