25 Weeks Pregnant: Breathing for Two
25 Weeks Pregnant: Baby at 25 Weeks
Eyes, nose, fingers and toes: By week 25, they are all formed!
Your baby’s fingernails and toenails are growing throughout your pregnancy… so do not be surprised if they are a little long when he is born. Even though they may be a little long, the nails are thin and soft. They can be trimmed, but it is better just to file them (so you do not leave a sharp, scratchy edge or accidentally nick a finger).
Your little one is working hard to get his lungs ready for birth, too. One important way he is getting the lungs ready is by beginning to produce surfactant. The lungs are filled with thousands of tiny air sacs that keep wanting to stick closed—the way your lips stick together when they get dry. This miraculous coating keeps each sac a little slippery—like a tiny bit of lip gloss. After birth, surfactant helps the sacs pop open easily with each breath…and it keeps them from sticking closed when the sacs empty with every exhalation.
Your baby’s eyes are also undergoing rapid development. Within the next month and a half, all the layers of his retina will be in place. His eyes will continue to improve after he is born—at birth babies are very nearsighted (what you see perfectly at 6 metres they can only see clearly at 30 centimetres away…everything further is a blur).
25 Weeks Pregnant in Months
If you are 25 weeks pregnant, you are about 6 months pregnant!
Baby at 25 Weeks Size
Your baby at 25 weeks is the size of a bag of coffee.
25 Weeks Pregnant: What to Expect
If you cannot quite catch your breath these days, you are not imagining it! Breathlessness strikes for a few reasons:
The bigger your uterus grows, the more it crowds your lungs. That means they cannot expand quite as far as they used to, so even deep breaths feel shallow. You can free up a little more space in your chest by raising your arms above your head and stretching.
You are breathing for two these days. There is more carbon dioxide in your blood, forcing you to breathe more quickly and rapidly than usual.
25 Weeks Pregnant Symptoms
- Loose joints: You may also be feeling the side effects of relaxin, a hormone your body produces to help soften, and well…relax your ligaments and joints! Your pelvis will widen—just a bit more—which is great when you are delivering your baby, but can cause weird aches and pains in your pelvis in the last few months.
- Pelvic pain: If you are suffering from pelvic pain, sit down when you can and take a little break from strenuous chores and carrying things. A pillow between your knees when you are sleeping may help, too. Another great option is swimming. Being in water takes pressure off your joints and helps your circulation.
- Constipation: That cocktail of hormones swirling around in your body may also affect your digestion…in a not so convenient way. Constipation is a common pregnancy problem. Most of the recommendations for easing constipation during pregnancy are the ones you would hear when you are not pregnant: Drink a lot of water, eat foods high in fiber and take a walk after a big meal. Supplements, including probiotics, aloe vera juice and magnesium can help. Talk to your healthcare provider about these and also ask about iron. Vitamins containing iron are a very common constipation culprit.
25 Weeks Pregnant To-Do List
- Find out what is standard practice at your place of birth: Does your healthcare provider require continuous foetal monitoring and an IV? Can your family/friends stay with you? Do they encourage the participation of doulas? Is there access to a lactation consultant after birth? Do they have rules about eating and drinking, during labour? How often do they end up doing C-sections? All of this helps guide your birth plan and may even influence your decision on where to give birth.
- Learn about pain management: What sort of pain management does your birth centre provide. Do they have in-house anesthesiologists, skilled in giving epidurals? Do they have mums who give birth without pain medication? Do they have birthing tables that allow women to change positions (like squatting)? Do they encourage hypnobirthing, labouring in a shower or tub, etc.?
- Elevate your feet and legs: The more you stand and walk, the more your feet and ankles will swell. Remember, you have 50% more blood filling your veins! That extra fluid tends to bloat your legs. In addition, many women find it is a great investment to purchase extra-comfortable (soft cloth and 1/2 size bigger) walkable shoes.
Quote of the Week
The phrase ‘working mother’ is redundant. — Jane Sellman
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