28 Weeks Pregnant: Seeing the Light!

Your Baby at 28 Weeks
Your baby’s eyes can sense light, and she is opening and closing them in the dim red light of the womb. She is sticking her tongue out, to sip the amniotic fluid that surrounds her. It takes about 45 minutes for flavours from your last meal to drift into the fluid around her (so you are truly eating for two, in that sense!) She is also practicing the little coughs, hiccups, and sucking motions that she will use after she is born. Her brain, which was previously smooth, is developing grooves that will become more deep and folded, like an adult brain.
Size of baby at 28 weeks pregnant: Your baby is as big as an eggplant.
Your baby is still a wee little thing, around 1 to 1.13 kg. and 40cm long. Still, if she were born this week, her survival rate would be 90%—and her odds keep getting better as the weeks go on.
By this point, some babies have already settled into a head-down birth position…they are getting ready for the big day!
28 Weeks Is How Many Months?
If you are 28 weeks pregnant, then you are 6 months into your pregnancy.
28 Weeks Pregnant: What to Expect
The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG) encourages exercise if your pregnancy is uncomplicated. And they do not mean just yoga—healthy mums-to-be have the greenlight to do aerobic and strength conditioning activities until baby arrives.
And RCOG now cautions against bed rest, stating that there is no medical evidence that it actually works to avoid preterm labour. Despite this, some women are still put on some form of bed rest during their pregnancy, most commonly prescribed if you are carrying multiples or your cervix is opening. Bed rest does not necessarily mean that you will be confined to your bed all day for the rest of your pregnancy.
Bed rest comes with plenty of negative side effects. It can make it challenging to both work and take care of your obligations at home. And then there are the physical downsides—muscle atrophy, bone loss, and an increased risk of blood clots—as well as mental, like depression.
Bottom line: Listen to your body (do not push yourself), stay hydrated, reduce stress and get sleep, whether you are high-risk or not. And, check with your healthcare provider to discuss the risks and benefits of bed rest.
28 Weeks Pregnant Symptoms
Common symptoms during your 28th week of pregnancy include:
- Bloating and gas
- Faintness or dizziness
- Stuffy nose
- Bleeding gums
- Symphysis pubis dysfunction
- Mask of pregnancy
- Frequent urination
28 Weeks Pregnant To-Do List
- Schedule your prenatal appointments: From here on out, you will likely see your healthcare provider or midwife every 2 weeks, then after 36 weeks, you will see them every week. Be sure to take the time to schedule all these appointments now.
- Decide on placenta encapsulation: Placentophagia, or the consumption of your placenta after birth, has gone from a niche practice to a celebrity-endorsed wellness trend. Proponents say that it helps them bounce back from labour faster. (Most evidence to support this is anecdotal.) If you would like yours encapsulated, you will need to find someone to do it.
- Start paying attention to fetal movements: Starting in the 3rd trimester, RCOG advises paying special attention to your baby’s individual pattern of movements . You can even try daily kick countring. It is pretty simple: pick a time when your baby is typically active, lay on your left side or sit in a supported position with your hand on your belly, and see how long it takes for you to feel 10 movements—kicks, turns, whatever. You should feel 10 movements within 2 hours, though most babies will move much more than that. If you are not feeling much movement, or if the movement pattern deviates from the norm, call your care provider immediately.
Up your iron: Anemia is common in pregnancy, especially during the 2nd and 3rd trimesters when your baby needs more iron for development. If you are not currently taking an iron supplement, now is a good time to add one(ask your healthcare provider). Your body will absorb it better if it is taken with vitamin C (a supplement or lemon juice squeezed on iron-rich foods including red meat, liver, beans, spinach, and lentils). High-dosage iron supplements can cause constipation, so keep eating plenty of fiber and drinking lots of water.
Lingo Lesson: Moxibustion
This traditional Chinese therapy involves the burning of an herb called mugwort. During pregnancy, it is often used along with acupuncture as a safe and gentle way to turn breech babies. Dried mugwort is rolled into a cylinder and burned by an appropriate acupuncture point near the little toe, warming the skin. A study done in 2001 was successful in turning breech babies in around 73% of women. It is best to consult with a licensed acupuncturist when considering moxibustion.
Quote of the Week
She never quite leaves her children at home, even when she does not take them along. — Margaret Culkin Banning
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