10 Fantastique Bilingual French Books for Kids

If you come from a French-speaking family or are interested in teaching French to your child, there are many beautiful children’s books in French that help little ones get a great introduction to this beautiful language.
Bonsoir Lune by Margaret Wise Brown
Goodnight Moon is a classic baby book. If your budding French speaker loves this famous nighttime story, do not miss Bonsoir Lune, the French translation.
The Fabulous Lost and Found and the Little French Mouse by Mark Pallis, illustrated by Peter Baynton
An adorable mouse wanders into a Lost and Found but can only speak French. The problem? Mr. and Mrs. Frog only speak English. This book is perfect for kids between the ages of 2 and 7 to dive into French vocabulary while enjoying an entertaining story.
French-English Picture Dictionary by Catherine Bruzzone and Louise Millar
Every little language learner needs a dictionary, and this French children’s book is delightful and instructive. With tons of bright pictures and easy-to-read words in French and English, kids will have a blast learning more than 350 words.
All Aboard! Paris: A French Primer by Haily Meyers and Kevin Meyers
All Aboard! Paris: A French Primer is in English and will not teach any vocab skills, but that is okay. This board book is a perfect introduction to the culture and geography of Paris. Young kids will love the vibrant illustrations while they imagine taking a train through Paris to learn about this city that is more than 2,000 years old.
Madeleine (French Edition) by Ludwig Bemelmans
The beloved French children’s book, Madeline, tells the story of a young, precocious girl who lives with eleven other girls under the charge of Miss. Clavel. One night, Madeline wakes up with appendicitis, and an adventure ensues. It has been translated into many languages, and you can easily find it in English and this French edition.
Un Deux Trois: First French Rhymes by Opal Dunn and illustrated by Patrice Eggs
Kids can learn 25 delightful French rhymes and songs to help them develop their language skills through this children’s book in French. These rhymes are simple and easy to remember, and they are paired with beautiful illustrations to help spark your little one's imagination. The book comes with a CD and encourages kids to sing along.
L'Arc-en-Ciel de Vincent / Vincent's Rainbow: Learn Colors in French and English with Van Gogh by Oui Love Books and illustrations by Vincent van Gogh
French pairs incredibly well with art, which is what makes this bilingual book for kids so fantastic. Parents and kids can learn how to say their colours in French against some of the world's famous paintings. This book does a superb job of blending art, language, and creativity in one book.
Dylan's Birthday Present/Le Cadeau d'Anniversaire de Dylan by Victor Dias de Oliveira Santos
Le Cadeau d'Anniversaire de Dylan won the Purple Dragonfly Children's Book Cultural Diversity Award for 2020. It tells the story of Dylan, who comes from a multilingual, multicultural family. On his birthday, he receives a gift but promptly loses it. Dylan sets out on a journey with his friend's help, where the two of them learn about how celebrating their differences can make their friendship stronger.
The Giraffe That Ate the Moon: La Girafe Qui a Mangé La Lune by Aralie Rangel and Babl Books, illustrated by Alvina Kwong
George is the shortest giraffe in his family, so naturally, he wants to grow tall enough to eat the moon. This adorable bilingual children's book is perfect for young kids practicing their French.
10 Bed-Time Stories in French and English by Frederic Bibard and Laurence Jenkins
As the title may have tipped you off, this tome contains 10 bedtime stories for budding francophiles. Through this French bilingual book, les petits enfants get a chance to work on their language skills, while enjoying a thrilling yarn (or 10!).
More Children's Books:
- Bilingual Spanish-English Books for Kids
- Bedtime Books to Lull Your Little One to Sleep
- Books That Teach Kids About Friendship
- Literacy Activities for Toddlers
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