What to Give Kids on Easter that’s NOT Sweets or Junk Food

“No Sweets” Easter Basket Ideas and Alternatives
Easter marks the beginning of Spring and outdoor festivities to come. But it also marks some serious spending...a lot of which is spent on SWEETS!
As a parent—or any adult having fun with kids this Sunday—you’ll want to ration the goodies so the little ones don’t start bouncing off the walls. And, you don’t have to be boxed in by the easy traditions of chocolate and marshmallow peeps. Here’s a list of Easter sweets alternatives and basket ideas that will brighten your day… and make it a lot healthier, too!
Healthy Easter Basket Ideas for Kids
This Easter, fill your baskets with these great gifts:
- Books
- Toys and stuffed animals
- Puzzles
- Bubbles
- Colouring book and crayons, pencils, or markers (washable to prevent accidents)
- Tickets or “coupons” for a trip to the park, zoo, or movie theater
- Stickers or stamps
- For older kids, gift cards to anything from coffee shops and restaurants to stores and bookshops, or even online retailers will definitely do the trick!
- An envelope with two $5 bills and 3 cards. Tape a picture onto each card (cut from a magazine) to represent a type of charity (like “people eating” meaning food for the hungry, “dogs and cats” for animal welfare, etc). One $5 is to save (perhaps put in the piggy bank) and one is to send to a charity. Start ‘em young with good habits of saving/giving.
Healthy Easter Egg Ideas and Alternatives
Wondering what you can include in your plastic Easter eggs this year that aren’t sweets? Check out this list of tiny Easter egg filler ideas!
- Think of the look of surprise on your little one’s face when they crack open an Easter egg and find a real dollar coin…instead of chocolate ones.
- Fun band-aids or stick-on tattoos
- Play-Doh or silly putty…or slime!
- Mini toys like small Legos or dinosaur figurines
- For older kids: nail polish, lip balm, barrettes, and coloured or patterned shoelaces
Or forego the plastic eggs altogether and hunt for real eggs you’ve dyed or decorated together (fun activity alert!) or wrap money and treats in reusable ribbon.
Whatever you choose for your special bunnies, we hope your holiday is hopping good fun!
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