Adoption announcements are so special. You want family and friends to know that you are welcoming a new precious person into the fold, and especially if it is been a long process, this is a major moment. Such incredible news deserves a memorable presentation—whether shared with words or photos, with great flourish or simply.

Words as simple as, 'Growing our family through adoption' paired with a recent family photograph can be a stellar way to share adoption news. Maybe you would rather get crafty and hold up a handmade sign that says, 'Waiting for You' or something similar. You can also include baby accessories, a shot of their nursery, or other sweet symbolism to enhance the look.  

No matter how you decide to share your adoption news with the world, you are going to want to remember this moment forever. Here is some sweet inspiration to help you plan your adoption announcement.

Adoption Announcement Card

Adoption announcement card

Photo & To Purchase: Minted

A formal announcement card is a truly beautiful tribute to your adoption. This card from Minted says it all, humbly and warmly.  

On Their Way From...Adoption Announcement

Hands held in a heart shape over a globe

Photo: Instagram

A globe or map depicting where your child was or will be born is a special way to include their roots while telling the story of your family’s journey.

Foster Care Adoption Announcement

T-shirt announcing adoption out of foster care

Photo & To Purchase: Etsy

Adopting a child out of foster care? This adorable 'Peace Out' tee on your newly adopted child is a joyous way to spread the news that you are official.  

Worth the Wait Adoption Announcement

Couple holding onesie that says "Worth the wait"

Photo: Instagram

This wording is perfect whether on a sign, an outfit, or simply written in the caption. After all the arduous waiting, your moment has arrived!

Illustrated Adoption Announcement

Illustrated adoption announcement

Photo: Instagram

Put your artistic prowess to work or commission a special illustration to depict where you are in your adoption journey and where your baby or babies will come home from.

A is For…Adoption Announcement

Baby onesie that says "a is for adoption"

Photo & To Purchase: Etsy

We are total suckers for kids’ clothing that spells out a special sentiment, and this adorable adoption onesie (or t-shirt for an older kid) is A-okay!

Matched! Adoption Announcement

Letterboard that says "we've been matched" with a picture of an ultrasound

Photo: Instagram

So many steps, so many details, so many stops along your adoption journey… and then you were matched. Sometimes, one word says it all. 

No Bump / So Pumped Adoption Announcement

 T-shirt that says "No bump but so pumped, we're adopting!"

Photo & To Purchase: Etsy

Funny baby announcement shirts are all over Etsy and other online shops, and they can create the perfect mood for your big news. This one is specifically for adoptive mamas and hits the right note for relatable, funny, and cute. 

...Off We Go! Adoption Announcement

Couple holding letterboard that announces they're adopting from Seoul

Photo: Instagram

Along your adoption journey, there have been many stops. This cute sign tells the world that the happy parents-to-be are headed to get their little one!

Big Kid Newborn-Style Adoption Announcement

A teen poses in traditional newborn poses for an adoption announcement

Photo: Kelly Higgins Photography

The viral newborn-style shoot this adoptive mama did with her teenage son is internet gold. If your older adopted child is down for something like this, it would be an amazing (and hilarious) way to tell your unique story. 

Growing in My Heart Adoption Announcement

Couple holds chalkboard that says "growing in my heart"

Photo: Pots N Pearls

Some mums grow babies in their bellies; some mums grow them in their hearts. This loving language reminds friends and family of the very special bond you will share with this baby that was meant to be yours.  

Making it Official Adoption Announcement

Little boy holds a letterboard announcing that his adoption was made official

Photo: Instagram

'Meet me at the courthouse' is some of the sweetest lingo we have seen around. You can buy a printable on Etsy with this verbiage or create your own sign; either way, it is a precious way to share the news of your finalised adoption. 

Beautiful Words Adoption Announcement

 Framed statement announcing children's adoption

Photo: Etsy

Now is a perfect time to share what is on your heart. If you have a special message to share, write it out and have your kids hold it up for a photo. Or, find a quote or customisable sign like this one that says it all so you do not have to. Either way, this style of adoption announcement is beautifully complete. 

Saving You a Seat Adoption Announcement

Family poses with empty chair for adoption announcement 

Photo: Ashley Ann Photography

Do not worry, Baby Brother or Sister…we have got room for you in our hearts and home! 

Missing Piece Adoption Announcement

Puzzle-piece-shaped adoption announcement

Photo: Grey Grey Designs

That moment when your empty space fills up… and the missing puzzle piece has arrived. Pure magic.

We Are Family Adoption Announcement

Two dads and adopted son pose on card that says "we are family" to announce adoption

Photo & To Purchase: Minted

Snail mail announcements are a thoughtful way to share the news of your adoption and show off your new family. These will provide a special keepsake for your child and yourself, so order a few extra copies.

Heart-Shaped Adoption Announcement

Couple holds ultrasound-style photo with heart in the middle

Photo: Finding Baby Sorrill

Ultrasound baby announcements are so cute; consider this couple’s approach to sharing adoption news with an ultrasound-inspired image containing just a heart. 

Matching Boots Adoption Announcement

A couple wears matching Hunter boots as they hold a pair of child-sized boots to announce their adoption 

Photo: The Larson House

Sometimes, the littlest details are the most important ones. This couple found little boots for Baby that matched their own and snapped a gorgeous family photo to share their adoption news. 

Bear Hugs Adoption Announcement

Family wearing matching bear shirts holds a matching onesie to announce adoption

Photo: Waiting for Spring

Especially if you have an older child(ren), coordinated t-shirts are an adorable way to announce that you are adopting. This family went with a Mama-Papa-Brother-Baby Bear theme, and we are here for it. 

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Disclaimer: The information on our site is NOT medical advice for any specific person or condition. It is only meant as general information. If you have any medical questions and concerns about your child or yourself, please contact your health provider. Breastmilk is the best source of nutrition for babies. It is important that, in preparation for and during breastfeeding, mothers eat a healthy, balanced diet. Combined breast- and bottle-feeding in the first weeks of life may reduce the supply of a mother's breastmilk and reversing the decision not to breastfeed is difficult. If you do decide to use infant formula, you should follow instructions carefully.