It is always fun to announce a pregnancy, but if you are looking for a creative and giggle-inducing way to share the news, we have got all the inspiration you need. Funny pregnancy announcements can involve the dog, the big sibs, or a cute theme for just Mum and Dad. 

Maybe you will spell out something cheeky on a letterboard or say it with a funny shirt. Perhaps you will go all-out with a photo shoot that wows or a home-designed flyer complete with graphics and quotes. Whatever unique, adorable, and—most importantly—hilarious way you pick to announce your baby news will be so special. 

Have fun sharing your pregnancy with friends, family, and Facebook! Here are some funny ideas for how to announce that you are expecting.  

Movie Poster Funny Pregnancy Announcement

 Movie poster pregnancy announcement

Photo: Instagram

There are tons of photo editing apps that will allow you to turn your happy news into cute and funny social media content. Create a movie poster advertising what is coming soon to a newsfeed near them!  

'Surprise!' Pregnancy Test Funny Baby Announcement

 Positive pregnancy test with "Hi Dad!" written on it held in front of a sleeping father

Photo: Instagram

Sharing how you told the daddy-to-be is often a raw, funny way to announce a pregnancy. Consider catching his reaction to the positive test on video (especially if this baby was a surprise!).

Keepin’ It Real Funny Pregnancy Announcement

 Dad holding ultrasound and letterboard in foreground as mom pukes in toilet in background

Photo: Instagram

Morning sickness, confused toddler, and 'Here we go again...' from Dad? Sounds about right. It is funny because it is true, so use those real-life moments to your advantage to create a hilariously relatable pregnancy announcement. 

Not-So-Social Distancing Funny Pregnancy Announcement

 Man wearing shirt saying "I couldn't stay 6 feet away" next to woman wearing shirt that says "I tested positive...but not for Covid"

Photo: Instagram

Mum and Dad did not get the memo to stay six feet apart, and all that time in quarantine was put to good use. This is a timely baby announcement that will be amazing to look back on…once we are long past these pandemic times. 

Miss You, Wine! Funny Pregnancy Announcement

 Woman holding a bottle of wine and letterboard that says "I wonder if wine misses me too"

Photo: Instagram

Goodbye, dear friend, until we meet again! This wine-theme pregnancy announcement is too funny. 

Kids Being Kids Funny Pregnancy Announcement

Boy holding letterboard that says "More love less sleep" next to screaming toddler 

Photo: Instagram

Give us those honest reactions from the children—and let them do the talking! There is nothing funnier than a disgruntled toddler’s reaction to the news of a new baby on the way. Keep it chilled out, with no special outfit to embrace the chaos. A simple pregnancy post with the kids just being themselves is just as easy as it is funny.  

Oops, We Did it Again Funny Pregnancy Announcement

Card that says "oops I did it again" with ultrasound picture inside 

Photo & To Purchase: Etsy 

Will the Britney song ever not be perfect for moments like these? Whether on a shirt, sign, or text overlay on your simple pregnancy announcement, this is one funny line that does the trick when you are expecting any baby after your first.  

Ice, Ice...BABY Pregnancy Announcement

 Man holding two bags of ice next to woman holding "baby" sign

Photo: Instagram

Another vintage music moment that pairs perfectly with funny baby announcements, all you need is two bags (or cubes!) of ice and a pregnant lady. Boom! 

Baby Shark Pregnancy Announcement

Sign that says "Baby shark due due due October 2020" with picture from ultrasound 

Photo: Instagram

Take a kids’ classic and turn it into baby-news gold. That little shark is due due due due due due due! Another idea is to just picture Mummy Shark with similar wording!  

Only Child Status Expiring Funny Pregnancy Announcement

Toddler standing next to chalkboard that says "only child status expiring" 

Photo: Instagram 

Another fun way to get an older sibling involved! Sure, a baby brother or sister will be a blessing in the end, but it is kind of too cute to poke a little fun at the no-longer-only child when you can. A 'cot eviction' photo shoot is a similarly hilarious idea. 

Bump Incoming Funny Pregnancy Announcement

 Woman standing in profile next to wall with pregnancy bump painted behind her

Photo: Instagram

This is such a creative way to announce a baby is growing in there! Chalk is an easy medium, but you can also do paint on paper or even invoke the sentiment on a white board. It will be comical to see how realistic your partner can draw your bump.

Anatomy of a Bump Funny Pregnancy Announcement

 Woman with "baby" painted on her belly, toddler with "banana" painted on his belly, man with "beer" painted on his belly

Photo: The Ace Life

Whatcha got in there, Mama? Daddy’s beer belly and an optional big sibling full of bananas (or juice... or Goldfish crackers?) make this funny pregnancy announcement extra cute.

Preggo + Hangry = One Funny Pregnancy Announcement

Woman wearing shirt that says "prangry" next to a bunch of snacks 

Photo & To Purchase: Etsy

Gimme all the snacks and ASAP! Embracing your cravings-happy preggo self is an adorable and funny way to announce the big news.

Lifestyle Change Funny Pregnancy Announcement

 Letterboard announcing pregnancy

Photo & To Purchase: Etsy

Ready or not, the sleepless nights are coming to get ya (unless, of course, you have SNOO!). This phrasing is hilarious and spot on. 

His and Hers Funny Pregnancy Announcement

 Woman standing next to a man with fake pregnant belly to announce pregnancy

Photo: Style By Emily Henderson

Turn some heads with this cheeky idea for sharing your baby news with friends and family.

Poor Doggy Funny Pregnancy Announcement

 Couple with dog and pregnancy announcement letterboard

Photo: Instagram

Do not tell Fido there is a human baby on the way… 

Get Alexa Involved in Your Funny Baby Announcement

 Onesie that says "Alexa, call Grandma"

Photo & To Purchase: Etsy

Nowadays, Alexa and all the other beloved robots in our lives do a lot of the heavy lifting. This onesie is a cheeky way to have her 'help' break the news to the happy grandparents-to-be. You can take a photo like this to share on social media, but mail or hand Grandma the actual onesie first.

Parenthood, Encapsulated Pregnancy Announcement

Poster that says "Parenthood coming 2015" 

Photo: Imgur

It is a lifestyle…so get ready. This posed photo is spot-on, and a great, funny way to share the news of a first baby on the way.

Uh Oh…Funny Pregnancy Announcement

 Two parents are tied up by two toddlers

Photo: Instagram

A couple with a baby is a couple with a baby. A couple with two kids is a 1:1 ratio in discipline, nappies, and drop-off. A couple with three kids? You are officially outnumbered. 

 More Pregnancy Announcement Ideas:

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Disclaimer: The information on our site is NOT medical advice for any specific person or condition. It is only meant as general information. If you have any medical questions and concerns about your child or yourself, please contact your health provider. Breastmilk is the best source of nutrition for babies. It is important that, in preparation for and during breastfeeding, mothers eat a healthy, balanced diet. Combined breast- and bottle-feeding in the first weeks of life may reduce the supply of a mother's breastmilk and reversing the decision not to breastfeed is difficult. If you do decide to use infant formula, you should follow instructions carefully.